Happy Birthday, Shakespeare!

Nobody really knows what day Shakespeare was born, but they DO know it was in 1564, and it is traditionally celebrated on April 23rd, the day of his death in 1616. So, Happy 450th Birthday, Will!

In celebration, I visited Kronborg Slot, the setting for Shakespeare’s play Hamlet. Located in Helsingør, Denmark, about an hour north of Copenhagen, it houses many fine tapestries (if you’re into that sort of thing,) a bunch of really big paintings, even bigger fireplaces, a grand cobblestone courtyard, and even a medieval toilet. You know, castley stuff. It was pretty. And even warm – spring has come to Scandinavia at last!


I know, I’m not great with the selfies. I keep forgetting to put myself in the picture. But hey, to thine own self be true, right? (that’s Hamlet, Act I, Sc. III)

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